Our work for sustainable tech
France & Europe
We believe that entrepreneurs and investors should be at the forefront of the social and environmental transition in France and Europe. Whether they are "impact by design" or not, we want to anchor ESG stakes at the heart of our ecosystem's development.
At France Digitale, we are convinced that entrepreneurs and investors must be at the forefront of the social and environmental transition, in France and in Europe. Whether these actors are impact by design or not, we want to anchor ESG issues at the heart of the development of our ecosystem.
France Digitale acts on two main levels:
- We demonstrate that technology provides solutions and highlight « impact by design » startups
- We support our ecosystem in the development of a common analysis framework on extra-financial issues, and contribute to the sharing of best practices.
Mark your calendars for 2023
Our major gatherings
Tech for Good Awards (in French) – May 2023 : the annual ceremony that rewards the best social and environmental impact startups, live on BFM BUSINESS.
Impact Day – November 2023 : the key event for sustainable tech! Dedicated to investors and entrepreneurs to discuss the progress and challenges of the ecosystem for a fair environmental and social transition. With the top 200 Chief Impact Officers of France Digitale.
Our working formats throughout the year
- The Impact Circle: the monthly meeting for CIOs and CSR managers of startups and scale-ups to share tools and best practices and to improve their skills on concrete and operational impact issues.
- The Startups/VCs Taskforce on extra-financial framework: from February to November 2023, France Digitale will bring together a circle of investors and entrepreneurs to define a common and relevant framework for the ecosystem on extra-financial issues.
Our data and tools
- Mapping of impact startups (in French): a mapping of French startups with social, environmental and economic impact, carried out with Bpifrance Le Hub – Call for applications in May and publication of the mapping in October-November.
- Ultimate Impact Toolbox (in French): the toolbox that helps entrepreneurs to define, manage and advance their ESG strategy through a catalogue of solutions and resources.
- #Tech4Values: the best practice guide of tech champions to reconcile economic performance with social and environmental responsibility.
- #BalancePasTonPC : the big « refurbish » operation to fight against digital fracture.
Would you like to join our work? Please contact us!
Servane Metzger – [email protected]